
from pluralsight

modules are singleton

Closures and decorators #

closure maintains references to objects from earlier scopes

def raise_to(exp):
    def raise_to_exp(x):
        return pow(x, exp)
    return raise_to_exp

square = raise_to(2) # square is now a function
assert square(2) == 4
cube = raise_to(3)
assert cube(3) == 9

lambdas are one-line function without a name

length = lambda name: len(name)
assert length("oui") == 3
def function(a, b):
    print("A function")

    def local_function(x, y):
        print("A local function")
        return x*y + a*b
    return local_function

lambdas // TODO function factories decorators

def logging_decorator(f):
    @functools.wraps(f) #forwards __doc__ and __name__
    def logging_wrapper():
        print(f"{f.__name__} function was called")
        return f
    return logging_wrapper

#@second_decorator - decorators are called in reverse-order
def hello():
    '''print hello'''



properties and class methods #

class_attribute instance_attribute

class Foo:

    a_class_attribute = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.an_instance_attribute = 42
        Foo.a_class_attribute = 64
        self.a_class_attribute = "actually doesnt change the class attribute"

    def a_static_method():
        return "No self, can't use the class attributes"

    def a_class_method(cls):
        cls.a_class_attribute += 1

    def a_named_constructor(cls):
        return cls()

    def _get_a_property(self):
        return self.an_instance_attribute

    def a_property(self):

    def _set_a_property(self, value):
        self.an_instance_attribute = value

    def a_property(self, value):
class Bar(Foo):
    # template method design pattern - override
    def _get_a_property(self):
        r = super()._get_a_property()
        # do more things with it
        return r

    def _set_a_property(self, value):
        # added logic, like checks

Strings and representations #

repr() > repr #

unambiguous, precise, include type, for developers and debugging where information is more important than readabiility

  • reprlib

str() > str #

for humans, if not set, uses repr

“{:parameter}".format > format(self, f) #

Numeric and scalar types #

Decimal type #

from datetime import datetime as Datetime // useful

Iterables and Iteration #

l = [(x,y) for x in range(5) if x < 10 for y in range (3)]
# l = [(x,y) 
#    for x in range(5) 
#    if x < 10 
#    for y in range (3)]

# is equivalent to
ll = []
for x in range(5):
    if x < 10:
        for y in range (3):

map(ord, “oui la voix”) returns a lazily-evaluated iterator filter : filter via a boolean function reduce : accumulation

iterator : next(), iter(), getitem() sequence : len(), getitem() all sequences are iterable

Inheritance and Subtype Polymorphism #

python sub-class does not call base class initializer automatically - must use super()

Collections #

container = in and not-in sized = len iterable = iter + “for in” sequence = count, access by index, reversable, slicable, concatenation and repetition set

class SortedSet(Sequence, Set):

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        self._items = sorted(set(items)) if items is not None else []

    def __contains__(self, item): #container
        index = bisect_left(self._items, item)
        return (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item)

    def __len__(self): #sized
        return len(self._items)

    def __iter__(self): #iterable
        return iter(self._items)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        result = self._items[index]
        return SortedSet(result) if isinstance(index, slice) else result

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Sorted({})".format(
            repr(self._items) if self._items else ''

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        if not isinstance(rhs, SortedSet):
            return NotImplemented #different than raise NotImplementedError
        return self._items == rhs._items

    def __ne__(self, rhs):
        if not isinstance(rhs, SortedSet):
            return NotImplemented #different than raise NotImplementedError
        return self._items != rhs._items
    def index(self, item):
        index = bisect_left(self._items, item)
        if (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item):
            return index
        raise ValueError("{} not found".format(repr(item)))

    def _is_unique_and_sorted(self):
        return all(self[i] < self[i-1] for i in range(len(self) -1))
    def count(self, item):
        assert self._is_unique_and_sorted()
        return int(item in self)

    def __add__(self, rhs):
        return SortedSet(itertools.chain(self._items, rhs._items))

    def __mul__(self, rhs):
        return self if rhs > 0 else SortedSet()

    def __rmul__(self, lhs):
        return self * lhs

    def issubset(self, iterable):
        return self <= SortedSet(iterable)

    def issuperset(self, iterable):
        return self >= SortedSet(iterable)

    def intersection(self, iterable):
        return self & SortedSet(iterable)

    def union(self, iterable):
        return self | SortedSet(iterable)

    def symmetric_difference(self, iterable):
        return self ^ SortedSet(iterable)

    def difference(self, iterable):
        return self - SortedSet(iterable)

Exceptions and errors #

never catch ALL exceptions


context cause traceback

Defining context managers #

# 1st solution
class ContextManager:
    # PEP 343

    def __enter__(self):
        # can return a ContextManager which will be used in `with ... as`
        # usually return itself with set variables

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, exception_tb):
        # propagate Exception by default, return False to not propagate
        # must not re-raise Exception except if fails itself
        if exception_type is None:

# 2nd solution
# useful for a stateful context manager
@contextlib.contextmanager # for a function that yield something
def my_context_manager():
    # <ENTER>
        yield [value] #will be bound to `with ... as`
        # <NORMAL EXIT>
        # need to explicitly re-raise the exception

with context_manager as x:
    # context_manager.begin()
    # context_manager.end() 

with cm as a, cm as b :

with cm() as a,\
     cm(a) as b:

Introspection #

Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than Permission vs Look Before You Leap

It is more pythonic to assume that a certain type is passed as an argument rather than checking that the passed argument has all the necessary attributes assume that this certain type is passed and with a try ... except block, raise a TypeError if necessary (becausse hasattr uses try - except anyway)

Best practices for code quality #

PEP8 official python style guidelines

Formatting Whitespace Naming

pylint pycodestyle black

Sphinx with reStructuredText + apidoc (for code)

Types #

mypy or PyCharm change pycharm settings to treat type-warnings as errors


def plus(num1: int, my_float: float = 3.5) -> float:
    result: float
    result = num1 + my_float
    return result

Virtualenv #

always use python3 -m pip [...]

always use a venv

use python3 -m venv [...]

Tox #

let’s you test your code against different versions of python with venvs tox.ini


Unit Testing #

automated unit test

  • designed by a human
  • runs without intervention
  • reports if fail or pass

all tests are independant

first Arrange : set up objects then Act : launch the unit test then Assert : make claims about what happened

check for regression testing

Test Driven Development (better than Test First and Test Last)

Unittest module #

# test_xxxx.py
import unittest

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self) -> None: # fixture
        self.att = NewAtt()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
    def test_scenario(self):
        self.assertEqual("xxx", x)

    def test_wip(self):

Pytest module #

report as HTML with pytest-html run with python3 -m pytest --html=report.html

PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m pytest tests/

# pytest.ini
addopts = --strict
markers = 
    slow: Run tests that are slow because 
# tests/conftest.py
def obj(tmpdir):
    # setup
    yield obj
    # teardown
    #  shutil.rmtree(str(tmpdir))
# tests/1.py
def test_scenario(obj):
    assert "xxx" == x
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

def test_slow(obj):

def test_skipped(obj):

Testable Documentation with doctest #

  • docstring maintenance : keep docstring synchronised with code
  • regression testing (approval testing)
  • tutorial documentation

python3 -m pytest --doctest-modules

# pytest.ini
addopts = --strict
markers = 
    slow: Run tests that are slow because
def my_func(a, b):
    Do something
    >>> result = my_func("test",
    ... "other") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> (print r for r in result)
    xxx ... yyy
    return f"{a}-{b}"

def random_choice(obj):
    Randomly choose something
    >>> random.seed(1234) # deterministic choice
    >>> random_choice("test")
    return f"{a}-{b}"

def traceback(obj):
    Will fail 
    >>> traceback(123)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: must be str, not int
    return f"{a}-{b}"

Test Doubles : Mocks, Stubs and Fakes #

3 kinds of Assert : return value - state change - method call

Dummy -> Stub -> Fake

Stub #

a Stub has the same methods as the class it replaces, but the implementation is very simple. s Stub won’t fail the test.

from sensor import sensor

# hand-coded stub
class StubSensor:
    def sample_pressure(self):
        return 15

class Alarm:

    # NEW : a stub sensor can be provided
    def __init__(self, sensor=None):
        self._sensor = sensor or Sensor()
        self._low_pressure_threshold = 17
        self._high_pressure_threshold = 21
        self._is_alarm_on = False

    # OLD : can't specify a stub sensor as it is instanciated directly
    def __init__(self):
        self._sensor = Sensor()
        self._low_pressure_threshold = 17
        self._high_pressure_threshold = 21
        self._is_alarm_on = False

def test_low_pressure_activates_alarm():
    alarm = Alarm(sensor=StubSensor())
    assert alarm.is_alarm_on

def test_normal_pressure_alarm_stays_off():
    stub_sensor = unittest.mock.Mock(Sensor)
    stub_sensor.sample_pressure.return_value = 18
    alarm = Alarm(sensor=stub_sensor)
    assert not alarm.is_alarm_on

Fake #

a Fake has the same methods as the class it replaces, with a real implementation with logic and behaviour

  • replace File with StringIO
  • replace MySQL with a in-memory-database
  • replace real webserver with a lightweight-webserver
def test_convert_quotes():
    fake_file = io.StringIO("quote: ' ")
    converter = HtmlPagesConverter(open_file=fake_file)
    converted_text = converter.get_html_page(0)
    assert converted_text == "quote: ' "

def access_second_page():
    fake_file = io.StringIO("""\
page one
page two
page three
    converter = HtmlPagesConverter(open_file=fake_file)
    converted_text = converter.get_html_page(1)
    assert converted_text == "page two<br />"

Dummy #

a Dummy is not used, usually is None, because the argument is mandatory

Spy #

a Spy records the method calls it receives

class SingleSignOnRegistry:

class MyService:

    def __init__(self, sso_registry):
        self.sso_registry = sso_registry

    def handle(self, request, sso_token):
        if sso_token:
            return Response("Yes")
            return Response("No")

class Request:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

class Response:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

def test_sso():
    spy_sso_registry = Mock(SingleSignOnRegistry)
    service = MyService(spy_sso_registry)
    token = SSOToken
    service.handle(Request("Emily"), token)

Mock #

a Mock expect certain method calls, otherwise raise an error

def confirm_token(token):
    def is_valid(actual_token):
        if actual_token != token:
            raise ValueError("wrong token")
    return is_valid

def test_sso():
    mock_sso_registry = Mock(SingleSignOnRegistry)
    token = SSOToken
    mock_sso_registry.is_valid = Mock(side_effect=confirm_token(token))
    service = MyService(mock_sso_registry)
    service.handle(Request("Emily"), token)

Monkey Patching #

exchange code after runtime, for example

# can't replace this one
def __init__(self):
    self._sensor = Sensor()

# by this one
def __init__(self, sensor=None):
    self._sensor = sensor or Sensor()
from unittest.mock import patch

def test_alarm():
    with patch(package.Class) as test_package_class:
        test_class_instance = Mock()
        test_class_instance.method_or_attribute.return_value = 22
        test_package_class.return_value = test_class_instance

def test_alarm(test_package_class):
    with patch(package.Class) as test_package_class:
        test_class_instance = Mock()
        test_class_instance.method_or_attribute.return_value = 22
        test_package_class.return_value = test_class_instance

@patch("builtins.open", new_callable=mock_open, read_data="quote : ' ")
def test_builtin(fake_file):

Parameterized tests and test coverage #

useful :

  • to spot missing tests for new code
  • to add tests to existing code
  • to track trends over time

evaluating test quality :

  • bugs in production
  • confidence to refactor
  • unrealiable tests
  • code review
  • onboarding time
  • mutation testing

pytest --cov-report html:cov_html --cov-branch --cov=package_name .

@pytest.mark.parametrize("p1, p2", 
def test_parameterized(p1, p2):
    assert p1 > p2

Advanced Python #

While else #

should not be used, but it exists

while condition:
else: # nobreak

For else #

for item in iterable:
    if item is genial:
else: #nobreak - no match found

Try else #


Dispath on Type #

useful for separation of concerns

class A:

class B:

from functools import singledispatch

def do(s):
    return "unknown type"

def _do_A(s):

def _do_B(s):

# if need to use dispatch in a class method

class S:
    def do(self, s):
        return dispatch_do(s, self) # double dispatch class.method(other_class)

Byte oriented programming #

bb = b"This is okay because it's 7bit ASCII"
bb[0] = an integer
bb[2:4] = bytes[]

Interpreting binary structures #

struct Vector {
    float x; // 32-bit (!= 64-bit in python)
    float y;
    float z;
struct Color {
    unsigned short int red; // 16-bit
    unsigned short int green;
    unsigned short int blue;
struct Vertex {
    struct Vector position;
    struct Color color;
import struct
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html

with open('data.bin', 'rb') as f:
    buffer = f.read()

hex_buffer = hexlify(buffer).decode('ascii')
hex_pairs = ' '.join(hex_buffer[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hex_buffer), 2))

items = struct.unpack_from("@fffHHHxx", buffer)
# @ = native (little-endian = "<")
# f = C-float - 3f
# H = C-unsigned short int - 3H
# x = padding (C wants to pad struct to a multiple of 4 bits)

v = []
for items in struct.iter_unpack("@fffHHHxx", buffer):

We can also use memoryview to avoid duplication of data (zero-copy)

mem = memoryview(buffer)
# stop the program and launch the python interpreter
# with the variables loaded
# a slice of a memoryview is a memoryview

Memory-mapped files are useful to avoid copying the data

import mmap
with open('data.bin', 'rb') as f:
    with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as buffer:
        # buffer is now a memory-mapped file - zero copy
        mem = memoryview(buffer)

        # dont forget to delete pointer to the buffer and memory views
        del mem

Memory efficiency #

class Resistor:

    __slots__ = ['resistance', 'tolerance', 'power'] 
    # set the final number of attributes, no moore attribute can be added
    # size from 152 bytes to 64 bytes

    def __init__(self, resistance, tolerance, power):
        self.resistance = resistance
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.power = power

Descriptors #

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

class Positive:
    def __init__(self):
        self._instance_data = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return self._instance_data[instance]

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if value <= 0:
            raise ValueError()
        self._instance_data[instance] = value

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        raise AttributeError()

class A:
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a # set through descriptor
    # replacing property by our own descriptor Positive

    def a(self):
        return self._a
    def a(self, value):
        if a <= 0:
            raise ValueError
        self._a = a

    a = Positive()

Instance creatioon #

Class is instanciated via the __new__ method inherited from object.

Metaclasses #

class Widget:

name = 'Widget'
metaclass = type
bases = ()
kwargs = {}
namespace = metaclass.__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)
Widget = metaclass.__new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
metaclass.__init__(Widget, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
class Widget(object, metaclass=type):

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return type.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self):

# type example
class A:

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = cls.__new__(*args, **kwargs)
        obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj

w = Widget() triggers metaclass.__call__() which calls Widget.__new__() and Widget.__init__()